El-Watan        Asharq Al-Awsat        As-Safir        Al-Fourat        Al-Quds Al-Arabi        Al-Itihad        Al-Ahram        An-Nahar        Ad-Doustour        El-Khabar    

While there is a broad range of Arabic language media outlets reporting stories from and about the Middle East, there is currently no affordable and reliable means for English speakers to gain access to this content. As a result, many English speaking businesspersons, students, journalists and others who have an interest in the affairs of the region are largely unaware of what the Middle East media is covering and how they are covering these stories.

Mideastwire.com aims to close this gap by offering a daily menu of translations covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing in the media of the 22 Arab countries and the Arab Diaspora. Through this effort, we hope to address at least one aspect of a global disconnect that continues to threaten a wide spectrum of socio-political and economic relationships, both here in the region and beyond.

It is also important to note that, since our founding in 2005, Mideastwire.com is wholly funded by the content license fees paid by individuals and organizations. As such, there is no government, commercial or non-profit support, an aspect that we believe provides a relatively independent platform for better understanding.

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Today’s Snapshot

Lebanon: Internal Struggles in Hezbollah (Nidaa al-Watan, Asharq al-Awsat)

-- Former MP Nawaf al-Moussawi publicly criticized Hezbollah’s leadership, exposing security failures and internal fractures.

-- He highlighted security lapses that led to leadership assassinations and suggested an emerging split within Hezbollah’s ranks.

-- Analysts believe Hezbollah’s credibility is eroding due to Iran’s weakened influence and financial strains.


Palestine: Future of Gaza Governance (Asas Media, Al-Arab)

-- Palestinian official Hussein al-Sheikh asserted that Hamas should fully relinquish control over Gaza, proposing a transitional phase under the Palestinian Authority (PA).

-- President Mahmoud Abbas announced a Vice President position and a general pardon for expelled Fatah members, fueling speculation about Mohammad Dahlan’s return to Palestinian politics.

-- Observers suggest Abbas is maneuvering to regain legitimacy among regional powers.


Egypt & Syria: Diplomatic Opening? (Al-Arab)

-- Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi met with Syria’s transitional leader Ahmed al-Sharaa at the Arab summit.

-- Analysts see this as a potential shift in Egypt’s stance toward Syria, possibly recognizing the new post-Assad government.

-- Egypt may seek regional alignment to maintain diplomatic leverage in Gaza’s reconstruction.


Iran-Turkey Tensions Over Syria & Iraq (Al-Modon)

-- Diplomatic strains escalated after Turkey accused Iran of backing Kurdish armed groups in Iraq.

-- Turkey is capitalizing on Iran’s regional setbacks to expand its influence in Syria and Iraq.

-- Despite tensions, both sides seek to avoid outright confrontation.


Sudan: RSF Declares a Parallel Government (Al-Quds al-Arabi)

-- The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and allies signed a transitional constitution, proposing a secular and decentralized Sudan.

-- The move deepens the country's political crisis, as Sudan now faces two rival governments.


Yemen: Escalating Protests in Hadhramaut (Al-Quds al-Arabi)

-- Five days of protests erupted in Mukalla against worsening public services, particularly electricity shortages.

-- Demonstrations may expand as public frustration grows.


US-Egypt-Israel: Gaza Reconstruction & Trump’s Calculations (Asharq al-Awsat)

-- Washington is open to Egypt’s Gaza reconstruction plan but seeks clarity on Hamas’s disarmament.

-- Analysts suggest Trump could back the plan if it advances Saudi-Israel normalization and enhances his diplomatic image.

“Hezbollah: A security dereliction and a structural absence”  (Website, Middle East)
Military and Security
On March 5, Makram Rabah wrote the following piece in the privately owned Nidaa al-Watan daily newspaper: “Yesterday, the Hezbollah former MP, Nawaf al-Mousawi, appeared in a televised interview where he spoke about his party’s crises… Al-Moussawi’s interview probably constituted a first since it carried a clear criticism of a specific wing within the Party as he considered that the “pagers’ incident” was a major security fail, contrary to what the Party was trying to promote as this being a mere passing gap. He also attacked [Hashem] Safieddine’s decision to bring together the Hezbollah Shura Council to vote for his election in a security-exposed place, stressing that the assassination of the Party’s leaders was the result of an internal security dereliction more than being the outcome of an intelligence achievement by the Israeli Mossad… (Read More)
“Aoun’s speech and Jumblatt’s position: a critical political moment in the region”  (Website, Middle East)
Arab Diplomacy
On March 5, the Al-Hura electronic newspaper carried the following piece by Dr. Bashir Esmat: “For the first time in a long time, the Lebanese are hearing their country’s voice in the Arab forums loud and clear not as a marginal country that receives orders but rather as an active party that carries a clear vision for the region and its causes. The speech by President Joseph Aoun at the Arab summit was not a mere protocol speech. Instead, it constituted an exceptional Lebanese moment since it re-stressed the fact that the Palestinian cause is not a mere conflict issue but rather a political, existential battle connecting Palestine, Lebanon, and the Arabs… (Read More)
“Hezbollah recognizes “shortcomings and deficiencies,” technical and human breaches”  (Asharq al-Awsat, United Kingdom)   
Military and Security
On March 4, the Saudi-owned London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper carried the following report from Beirut by its correspondent Paula Astih: “For the first time, more than three months after its truce with Israel entered into force, an official from Hezbollah came out to talk about “shortcomings and technical and human breaches,” which caused the party to suffer heavy losses during this last war, but also led to the success of the pagers operations and the death of 4,700 of its leaders and elements. Indeed, the head of resources and the border in Hezbollah, Nawaf al-Mussawi, said: “The enemy’s accomplishments against us were not due to its intelligence but rather to our deficiencies, and sometimes our shortcomings.” He added in a televised interview: “Hezbollah can address blows to the Israeli occupation if it remedies the deficiencies, ends the shortcomings, and resolves the issue of technical and human breaches”…… (Read More)
Middle East
“The Turkish-Iranian tension: The game of the interests and conflicts between Syria and Iraq”  (Website, Middle East)
Arab Diplomacy - Military and Security
On March 5, the electronic Al-Modon daily newspaper carried the following piece by Firas Fahham: “The last diplomatic tension between Turkey and Iran, and the mutual summoning of the ambassadors and chargé d’affaires between the two sides reflects a new regional scene that is being formed in the region since late 2024… Iran’s influence greatly regressed as a result of the blow received by the Lebanese Hezbollah, that lost almost its entire leadership. This was followed by the collapse of the Bashar al-Assad regime…… (Read More)
“Does the meeting between Es-Sisi and Al-Sharaa in Cairo pave the way for rapprochement with Damascus?”  (Newspaper, Middle East)   
Arab Diplomacy - Democracy and Party Politics - Monarchies/Dictatorships - Peace Process
On March 5, the London-based Al-Arab daily newspaper carried the following report: “The meeting that brought together Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah es-Sisi, with the transitional Syrian President, Ahmed al-Sharaa, for the first time during the Arab summit held in Cairo on Tuesday to discuss the reconstruction in Gaza, constitutes a new development that opens the door of speculations on whether this shall pave the way for rapprochement between the two countries. The meeting comes after an official invitation extended by Es-Sisi last February to Al-Sharaa to attend the urgent meeting of the Arab League in response to the plan proposed by US President, Donald Trump, on Gaza…… (Read More)
“Hussein al-Sheikh to Asas: …Ruling Gaza without the [Hamas] Movement”  (Website, Middle East)   
Arab Diplomacy - Democracy and Party Politics - Monarchies/Dictatorships - Peace Process
On March 5, the privately-owned electronic Asas Media daily carried the following interview with Hussein al-Sheikh, the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization: “…Q. You are participating today in the [Arab] summit under the headline of the reconstruction of the Gaza Territory. What about Gaza’s political future and the day after in terms of the rule of the Territory?… (Read More)
“…Has Mohammed Dahlan’s moment come to get out of the West Bank-Gaza crisis?”  (Newspaper, Middle East)   
Arab Diplomacy - Military and Security - Peace Process
On March 5, the London-based Al-Arab daily newspaper carried the following report: “Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, announced on Tuesday, as he attended the Arab summit, that he shall create the post of a Vice President of the Palestinian Authority. He also decided to issue a general pardon for all the individuals who had been dismissed from the Fatah Movement. This will open the door for the return of the leader of the Movement’s reform current, Mohammad Dahlan, to the limelight and thus him exiting the Bank-Gaza crisis… (Read More)
“Hamas punishes officials in its ranks, who “abandoned” their missions during the war”  (Asharq al-Awsat, United Kingdom)   
Military and Security
On March 4, the Saudi-owned London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper carried the following report from Gaza: “Hamas recently adopted disciplinary measures against several officials and militants who were serving in various roles, accusing them of abandoning their assigned duties and relocating from the northern Gaza Strip to the south. At this level, sources from Hamas revealed to Asharq al-Awsat that these measures affected many figures working in government, political, military, charitable, social, and religious fields. They added that several officials were suspended and banned from returning to their previous posts, including ministry undersecretaries, general directors, and others with lower ranks in government, pending the restructuring of operations and a review of their cases after abandoning their assigned roles…… (Read More)
“How will American president’s administration deal with Egyptian plan to rebuild Gaza?”  (Asharq al-Awsat, United Kingdom)
Arab Diplomacy - Monarchies/Dictatorships - USA Europe
On March 4, the Saudi-owned London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper carried the following report from Washington by its correspondent Hiba al-Qudsi: “Many analysts and experts agreed that the chances of seeing the Egyptian plan to rebuild Gaza and the results of the emergency summit in Cairo implemented were linked to the position of American President Donald Trump’s administration toward that plan… At this level, an official source at the White House told Asharq al-Awsat that Trump’s administration was willing to look into the Egyptian plan, indicating at the same time that it had many questions surrounding the shape of the authority in Gaza, how security will be managed after the end of the war, which countries will form the international peacekeeping force in Gaza and the West Bank, and how will Hamas be disarmed and marginalized…… (Read More)
“Palestinian reading into Abbas’ decisions to appoint deputy, “pardon” the ousted from Fatah”  (Agencies, Middle East)   
Democracy and Party Politics - Monarchies/Dictatorships
On March 5, the Arabic page of the official Turkish Anadolu news agency carried the following report from Ramallah by its correspondent Awad Rjoob: “A Palestinian expert provided a reading into the decisions announced by President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday, which included the creation of a vice-president post and the issuance of a general pardon for all those who were ousted from the Fatah Movement, which he heads… At this level, Professor of Political Sciences at Hebron University Imad Bishtawi said that President Abbas’ decisions reflected a need to “mend the internal Palestinian situation and unify the ranks.” Speaking to Anadolu, he considered that no effort to rebuild Gaza and arrange the situation in the Strip “could succeed without arranging Fatah’s internal situation and achieving national unity, especially with Hamas and the Palestinian opposition in general”…… (Read More)
“RSF, allies, draw up “transitional constitution” for Sudan…”  (Al-Quds al-Arabi, United Kingdom)
Military and Security - Monarchies/Dictatorships
On March 5, the Qatari-owned London-based Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following report from Khartoum by its correspondent Miaad Mubarak: “The Rapid Support Forces [RSF] and the armed and political groups loyal to it, signed yesterday on Tuesday in the Kenyan capital Nairobi a “transitional constitution” document, stipulating a secular, decentralized system, the formation of a new army, and a two-phase transitional period, with the first ending with the conclusion of the war, and the second continuing for a subsequent period of 10 years. On February 22, the RSF command and its allies signed a political charter, saying it paved the way for the formation of a government in areas under their control within a month… The constitution of the RSF and its loyalists also annulled the 2019 Transitional Constitutional Document… (Read More)
“Yemen: Protests for fifth day in a row in Hadhramaut against deteriorating services”  (Al-Quds al-Arabi, United Kingdom)
On March 5, the Qatari-owned London-based Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following report from Sana’a by its correspondent Ahmad al-Aghbari: “For the fifth day in a row, nightly popular demonstrations erupted in the city of Al-Mukalla, the capital of the Hadhramaut Governorate in eastern Yemen, in protest against the deteriorating services, especially the electricity service, in light of deteriorating living conditions due to the rising prices and the collapse of the value of the national currency… Journalist Sabri Bin Makhashen from Hadhramaut told Al-Quds al-Arabi: “The demonstrations started two days before Ramadan following the total collapse of the electrical grid, the spread of corruption and the exposure of corruption cases by the media outlets… However, the action in the streets of Hadhramaut, which started before Ramadan, grew angrier following the return of Governor Mabkhout Bin Madi to the governorate after an absence of almost two months.”… (Read More)
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