El-Watan        Asharq Al-Awsat        As-Safir        Al-Fourat        Al-Quds Al-Arabi        Al-Itihad        Al-Ahram        An-Nahar        Ad-Doustour        El-Khabar    

While there is a broad range of Arabic language media outlets reporting stories from and about the Middle East, there is currently no affordable and reliable means for English speakers to gain access to this content. As a result, many English speaking businesspersons, students, journalists and others who have an interest in the affairs of the region are largely unaware of what the Middle East media is covering and how they are covering these stories.

Mideastwire.com aims to close this gap by offering a daily menu of translations covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing in the media of the 22 Arab countries and the Arab Diaspora. Through this effort, we hope to address at least one aspect of a global disconnect that continues to threaten a wide spectrum of socio-political and economic relationships, both here in the region and beyond.

It is also important to note that, since our founding in 2005, Mideastwire.com is wholly funded by the content license fees paid by individuals and organizations. As such, there is no government, commercial or non-profit support, an aspect that we believe provides a relatively independent platform for better understanding.

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“Thank you, Iran”  (Asharq al-Awsat, United Kingdom)
Military and Security
On April 25, the Saudi-owned London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper carried the following opinion piece by Lebanese writer Samir Atallah: “Based on its official calculations, Iran is controlling the political and sovereign decision of at least five Arab states, including two major ones, i.e. Syria and Iraq, in addition to Hamas, which is a state against the state and an authority against the authority. And this is a high percentage by any means, which must be recognized along with the Iranians’ ability to dig a mountain with a needle. However, this automatically leads to the following question: Why? How does it benefit Iran to control five or ten Arab states? What is this good for? So far, Iran has not taken any positive action toward its allies or achieved any pivotal project worth mentioning, unless the success and good of those states is to become in a state of economic and military war and a state of hostility with three-quarters of the world… (Read More)
“Moqtada al-Sadr in his last free shows”  (Website, Middle East)   
Democracy and Party Politics
On April 25, the privately-owned Asas Media carried the following piece by Farouk Youssef: “The “Shi’i National Movement,” the banner of which Muqtada al-Sadr decided to raise instead of the “Sadrist Movement,” is nothing but a new show, from which the Iraqis will only reap more chaos that will undermine the idea of establishing a state in Iraq making it more impossible. While Al-Sadr is playing games by toying with the names and replacing one slogan with another without proposing a political program to serve as a basis for an honest patriotic action…, this situation serves the interests of the parties that managed to control the fragile state… (Read More)
“Exclusive| Iraqi authorization to Turkey to strike PKK headquarters: Security in exchange for water”  (Newspaper, Middle East)   
Arab Diplomacy - Military and Security
On April 25, the Qatari-owned London-based Al-Araby al-Jadeed newspaper carried the following report from Baghdad, Irbil, and Istanbul by its correspondents Adel an-Nuwab, Mohammad Ali, and Jabr Omar: “Iraqi officials in Baghdad and Irbil agreed in saying that Turkey earned an authorization to carry out a military operation in the Kurdistan Province in northern Iraq, at a depth of more than 40 kilometers, to target the pockets and positions of the Kurdistan Workers Party [PKK] armed men in the uninhabited areas, through understandings reached during the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Iraq on Monday… In exchange, Iraq will receive an advantage in the water share from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and assistance from Turkey in introducing modern irrigation techniques and the rationalization of the use of water in agriculture, in addition to various commercial, economic, and security understandings, including the exchange of information and wanted persons… (Read More)
“Who will participate in Israel’s invasion of Rafah?”  (Al-Quds al-Arabi, United Kingdom)
Military and Security - USA Europe
On April 25, the Qatari-owned London-based Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper carried the following lead editorial: “Several Hebrew papers carried opinion pieces in parallel to the Israeli military strike on Iran, talking about an American approval of the occupation of Rafah in exchange for a limited [Israeli] response against Iran. And all articles agreed that Israel informed Egypt of its decision and that Cairo accepted what would happen and was preparing to deal with the repercussions of the attack by equipping a “neutral zone,” to which the Palestinians would be displaced. According to the information, the invasion will be carried out based on an agreed-upon plan between Washington and Tel Aviv, in what appears to be a concession by the American side that had repeatedly voiced fears toward the bloody repercussions of the operations… (Read More)
“Abu Obaida "incites" escalation and chaos in Jordan, sparking widespread controversy”  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Media - Military and Security - Monarchies/Dictatorships
On April 25, the London-based Al-Arab daily newspaper carried the following report: “Activists on the social communication networks have been posting parts of a speech by Abu Obaida, the spokesperson for the Ezzeddine al-Qassam Brigades, the Hamas Movement’s military wing, on Tuesday on the 200th day of the Israeli assault on the Gaza Territory. Many activists considered the speech as an incitement to destabilize Jordan, especially in light of the events and security chaos seen there due to the protests that spiraled out of the realm of self-expression… (Read More)
“The season of ‘picking heads’ in the FPM…”  (Al-Akhbar Lebanon, Lebanon)
Democracy and Party Politics
On April 25, the Al-Akhbar daily newspaper carried the following report: “The decision to fire MP Elias Bou Saab from the Free Patriotic Movement [FPM] doesn’t need much effort to be clearly read. Three elements can be pondered to read the decision/message: The backdrop, the reason, and the timing. The one certain part is that the Deputy Parliament Speaker no longer has a place among the Aounists in the era of “controlling the internal rhythm” and “curbing the dissonance” based on the principle of “rewarding the obedient ones and punishing the disobedient ones… (Read More)
“The Israeli destructive operations: To displace the [people of the] South and force the Party to negotiate?”  (Website, Middle East)
Military and Security
On April 25, the electronic Al-Modon daily newspaper carried the following report by Munir al-Rabih: “In the South, throughout the long months of the ongoing confrontations, there is one human and social factor that not many are taking into account although it constitutes a challenge, a threat, and a source of embarrassment for the Israelis. This factor consists of the people remaining in their homes, despite the real ongoing war there… (Read More)
“Western threats to Mikati…”  (Al-Akhbar Lebanon, Lebanon)
Military and Security - USA Europe
On April 25, the Al-Akhbar daily newspaper carried the following report: “Intimidation regarding a potential war that the enemy might be launching on South Lebanon was coupled with the recent European-American-Arab diplomatic action recently seen in Lebanon. While the ambassadors of the five-party committee focused on the security file during their meetings with the Lebanese groups and stressed the need to make a separation between Lebanon and the events in Gaza, PM Najib Mikati who was visiting Paris where he met with President Emanuel Macron received similar messages before returning to Lebanon on the rhythm of the American intimidation voiced by the Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs, Barbara Leaf, who said that “the odds of an escalation between Lebanon and Israel are high… (Read More)
“Half a year of war”  (Al-Ghad, Jordan)
Military and Security
On April 24, the Jordanian Al-Ghad newspaper carried the following opinion piece by Sa’ed Karajeh: “A day will come when we will sit down to look into the October 7 events and ask the difficult questions. What was the purpose of the operation? Was it intended in all its details or mere coincidence? What is the meaning of its timing? We will ask – with the luxury of those who did not endure their siege: Is it logical for one faction to lead two million citizens into war without consulting them? Would it not have been wiser to let things be and allow the “demographic superiority bomb” to take its course? We will ask – with some concealed admiration and a lot of jealousy and concern toward the success of a faction of political Islam: How and when were the tunnels dug? Do they go deep under the sea or deep inside Sinai?… (Read More)
“Who is standing behind attacks with “unidentified drones” in Sudan war?”  (Asharq al-Awsat, United Kingdom)
Military and Security
On April 24, the Saudi-owned London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper carried the following report from Wad Madani in Sudan by its correspondent Mohamed Amin Yassin: “For the third time, “unidentified drones” targeted a new city in Sudan, which had remained distant from the war that has been ongoing for more than a year. Hence, in less than a month, three Sudanese states that had not been part of the ongoing conflict between the two sides of the war were subject to unmanned drone attacks that targeted military positions affiliated with the army and official government institutions. They are Al-Qadarif, Atbara, and the River Nile. The attack that occurred on Tuesday on the military base in the city of Shendi in the River Nile State (North) coincided with a visit launched one day earlier by General Commander of the Army Abdel Fattah al-Burhan to that state, which he did not leave until the attack occurred… (Read More)
“Al-Assad’s concern over war behind Iran’s reduction of its presence in Syria”  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Military and Security
On April 25, the London-based Al-Arab daily newspaper carried the following report: “Iran reduced its military presence in Syria after the Israeli strikes that targeted several of its military commanders. According to the observers, this step aims at maintaining a silent caution vis-à-vis the position of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who doesn’t want an Israeli-Iranian clash in his country. The pullout was expected because maintaining an Iranian presence in Syria automatically means accepting the Israeli attacks that led to the elimination of prominent officials including Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the man in charge of the Syria and Lebanon file in the Revolutionary Guards, or retaliating to the attacks, which means opening a front with Israel, which is something that Iran doesn’t want for the time being… (Read More)
“Why did Iran reduce its military presence in Syria?...” [Part 1-2]  (Asharq al-Awsat, United Kingdom)
On April 24, the Saudi-owned London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper carried the following report from London by its correspondent Ali Saray: “Has Iran truly reduced its military presence in Syria? This would mean the partial relinquishing of a strategic position in the confrontation with Israel. But it is not yet clear whether Tehran is doing so as a temporary tactical measure or as an advanced step in the context of an imminent, drastic change in the region. The Iranian forces vacated headquarters in Damascus and the country’s south, reaching the border with the Golan, as relayed by France Presse Agency which quoted sources as saying that this was a precautionary decision following the strikes that targeted the most prominent Iranian Revolutionary Guard commanders… (Read More)
Co-Founder: Nicholas Noe
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