El-Watan        Asharq Al-Awsat        As-Safir        Al-Fourat        Al-Quds Al-Arabi        Al-Itihad        Al-Ahram        An-Nahar        Ad-Doustour        El-Khabar    

While there is a broad range of Arabic language media outlets reporting stories from and about the Middle East, there is currently no affordable and reliable means for English speakers to gain access to this content. As a result, many English speaking businesspersons, students, journalists and others who have an interest in the affairs of the region are largely unaware of what the Middle East media is covering and how they are covering these stories.

Mideastwire.com aims to close this gap by offering a daily menu of translations covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing in the media of the 22 Arab countries and the Arab Diaspora. Through this effort, we hope to address at least one aspect of a global disconnect that continues to threaten a wide spectrum of socio-political and economic relationships, both here in the region and beyond.

It is also important to note that, since our founding in 2005, Mideastwire.com is wholly funded by the content license fees paid by individuals and organizations. As such, there is no government, commercial or non-profit support, an aspect that we believe provides a relatively independent platform for better understanding.

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“Exclusive: No agreement during meeting between Egyptian intelligence, Shabak chiefs…”  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Arab Diplomacy - Military and Security - Monarchies/Dictatorships
On October 14, the Qatari-owned London-based Al-Araby al-Jadeed newspaper carried the following report from Cairo: “The meeting held in Cairo between Egyptian Intelligence Chief Abbas Kamel and Director of the Israeli Internal Security Service (Shabak) Ronen Bar ended without reaching a breakthrough at the level of the stalemate affecting the negotiations. And Al-Araby al-Jadeed learned that both agreed it would be difficult to move forward with a ceasefire agreement in Gaza or a prisoner swap deal between the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian resistance factions for the time being. According to the information acquired by Al-Araby al-Jadeed, all the signs indicate that the negotiations surrounding a deal will be suspended until after the American presidential elections in November… (Read More)
“Two Araghchi’s rather than one in Muscat…”  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Military and Security - USA Europe
On October 15, the London-based Al-Arab daily newspaper carried the following report: “At his meeting with a Houthi delegation headed by the group’s spokesperson, Mohammad Abdul Salam, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Abbas Araghchi, called for escalation and for supporting Hezbollah and the Hamas Movement against “the crimes of the Zionist entity.” However, he turned into a different Araghchi when he asked the Foreign Minister of the Sultanate of Oman, Badr al-Bousaidi, to proceed with the efforts to reduce escalation in the region… (Read More)
“What are the reasons behind “cautious calm” in the Beirut Suburbs…?”  (Ad-Diyyar, Lebanon)
Military and Security - USA Europe
On October 14, the Ad-Diyyar daily newspaper carried the following report by Dolly Beshaalani: “It was strange to watch the last “programmed” media appearance of the US Envoy, Amos Hochstein, on the local televisions while he had been “out of touch” for many days before that. Even stranger is the cautious calm reigning over the Beirut Southern Suburbs since Thursday and after Hochstein’s statement who said, “We are working day and night for a ceasefire in Lebanon… (Read More)
“Did Hezbollah regain its forces following the Israeli strikes?”  (Asharq al-Awsat, United Kingdom)
Military and Security
On October 14, the Saudi-owned London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper carried the following report from Beirut by its correspondent Paula Astih: “The extensive attacks launched by Hezbollah on Israeli military bases, especially the latest attack using suicidal drones, which targeted a camp affiliated with the Golani Brigade in the town of Benyamina south of Haifa, raised questions surrounding whether or not the party received massive blows since September 17 (the day when the pagers were detonated), was once again regained its forces, seeing as how this would mean we have entered a new stage in the war. The party described the attack it carried out on Sunday night as “qualitative and complex,” considering that the Israeli air defense systems could not completely deter the drones and were probably distracted with missiles and other drones… (Read More)
Middle East
“Netanyahu and changing the face of the region in light of the Iranian confusion!”  (Website, Middle East)
Military and Security
On October 15, the privately-owned Asas Media website carried the following piece by Khairallah Khairallah: “It is unclear whether Benjamin Netanyahu will manage to modify the face of the region thanks to the opportunity provided to him by Yahya Sinwar, the head of the Hamas politburo, and the man who made the decision of launching the Al-Aqsa Flood attack on October 7, 2023. On the other hand, the one clear part is that the Israeli prime minister, with the support of the Israeli Right, managed to wipe out Gaza from existence while unable to eliminate Hamas. Moreover, BiBi exploited the opportunity secured to him by the late Hezbollah Secretary-General when he declared on October 8, 2023, the launching of the South Lebanon front to support Gaza… (Read More)
“By the way, where is ISIL?”  (Asharq al-Awsat, United Kingdom)
Military and Security - Terrorism
On October 15, the Saudi-owned London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper carried the following opinion piece by Saudi writer Mishary Dhayidi: “Amid the Israeli war against the components of the “Axis” in Lebanon and Syria, the American Army surprised the public by announcing a series of airstrikes on camps affiliated with ISIL organization in Syria. The American military statement said something along the lines of these raids aiming to paralyze ISIL’s capabilities in the region. But the question is: Why now? Or was it a traditional operation in the context of the activities of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIL, which took place regardless of the other contexts? There are around 900 US troops deployed in Syria, with an unannounced number of contractors. Meanwhile, the United Nations estimates that ISIL in Syria and Iraq still boasts between 3,000 and 5,000 fighters… (Read More)
“Iran is “playing big” in Lebanon: It’s the storm” – Part 1/2  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Military and Security - USA Europe
On October 15, the privately-owned Al-Joumhouria daily newspaper carried the following report by Toni Issa: “One concern is steering Netanyahu and his comrades at this phase: To strike the “head,” i.e. Iran, with a heavy blow. He believes that such a blow shall weaken the regime and lead to curbing Hezbollah and the rest of the regional arms. Meanwhile, the Tehran regime has increased the level of the challenge in Lebanon to the maximum and has decided to play big: “To kill or be killed!… (Read More)
“…Where do the Gulf States stand in the conflict between Iran and Israel?”  (Website, Middle East)   
Military and Security - USA Europe
On October 15, the electronic Al-Khaleej Online daily carried the following report: “The region’s states, especially the Arabian Gulf States, currently find themselves in the middle of a regional escalation between Israel and Iran with fears that this escalation might negatively reflect on their security, economy, and political stability… The Gulf States have always exhibited a noteworthy maturity when it comes to dealing with the world’s thorny issues. However, the Iranian-Israeli conflict is taking place in their vicinity and might have economic and political repercussions in addition to casting a shadow on the peace process in the region, which calls on them to address this issue differently. Given the war indications between Iran and Israel and the recent rapid developments, questions are being raised around the role of the region’s countries including the Arab Gulf States knowing that some of these states have relations with Israel… (Read More)
“Anger flares in the West Bank…”  (Website, Middle East)
Military and Security
On October 14, the electronic Rai al-Youm daily newspaper carried the following report: “The Palestinian Authority’s security services are proceeding with chasing after, arresting and confiscating the weapons of the Resistance fighters in the occupied West Bank. This has ignited the Palestinians’ anger at a time when the Gaza Territory and its besieged inhabitants have been suffering the worst genocide and a war that has affected everything for more than one year… (Read More)
“Interview: Naim confirms Hamas willingness to apply July 2 accord without additional conditions”  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Military and Security - USA Europe
On October 14, the Qatari-owned London-based Al-Araby al-Jadeed newspaper carried the following interview with Hamas Politburo Member and Head of the movement’s political department Basem Naim by its correspondent in Algiers Othman Lahyani… (Read More)
“Iranian reinforcements arrive in Idlib”  (Website, Middle East)   
Military and Security
On October 14, the Syrian North Press news site carried the following report from Idlib by Hani Salem and Maline Muhammad: “Military reinforcements from the Afghan Liwa Fatemiyoun, which is loyal to Iran, arrived on Monday morning to the Khan Shaykhun and Saraqib area in Idlib’s countryside, one week after the Lebanese Hezbollah elements pulled out amid ongoing military escalation in northwest Syria. At this level, military sources in the area told North Press’ correspondent that six buses carrying around 200 elements from the Fatemiyoun militia arrived in the cities of Khan Shaykhun in Idlib’s southern countryside and Saraqib in the eastern countryside, coming from the Shaer and Jazal [oil] fields east of Homs, in addition to 4x4 military vehicles and trucks carrying logistical supplies… (Read More)
“Assassination of UAE-backed leader in East Yemen, noticeable deployment by Saudi-affiliated forces”  (Website, Middle East)   
Military and Security
On October 15, the Egyptian Arabi 21 news site carried the following report from Aden by its correspondent Ashraf al-Fallahi: “A military commander in the forces backed by the Emirates was assassinated on Monday night in an explosion that targeted him in the Shabwah Governorate in southeast Yemen. A knowledgeable local source thus told Arabi 21 on condition of anonymity that an IED targeted Commander of the First Brigade of the “Shabwah Defense” [Forces] loyal to the Southern Transitional Council (a force formed by Abu Dhabi in 2021) Ahmed as-Sulaimani, in the Al-Masina'a area, which is administratively affiliated with the As-Sa'id District of the Shabwah Governorate. So far, the side responsible for the assassination late on Monday night remains unknown, and the mystery continues to surround this operation, as stated by the source to Arabi 21… (Read More)
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