El-Watan        Asharq Al-Awsat        As-Safir        Al-Fourat        Al-Quds Al-Arabi        Al-Itihad        Al-Ahram        An-Nahar        Ad-Doustour        El-Khabar    

While there is a broad range of Arabic language media outlets reporting stories from and about the Middle East, there is currently no affordable and reliable means for English speakers to gain access to this content. As a result, many English speaking businesspersons, students, journalists and others who have an interest in the affairs of the region are largely unaware of what the Middle East media is covering and how they are covering these stories.

Mideastwire.com aims to close this gap by offering a daily menu of translations covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing in the media of the 22 Arab countries and the Arab Diaspora. Through this effort, we hope to address at least one aspect of a global disconnect that continues to threaten a wide spectrum of socio-political and economic relationships, both here in the region and beyond.

It is also important to note that, since our founding in 2005, Mideastwire.com is wholly funded by the content license fees paid by individuals and organizations. As such, there is no government, commercial or non-profit support, an aspect that we believe provides a relatively independent platform for better understanding.

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“Revolution’s Tomorrow advises Es-Sisi’s regime to abandon power and avert the threats”  (Website, Middle East)
On November 7, the Egyptian Arabi 21 news website carried the following report by its correspondent in Cairo Omar Awais: “The Revolution’s Tomorrow Party led by oppositionist Ayman Nour called on the “officials of the current Egyptian regime to abandon their seats and succumb to popular will, in order to spare the country from the growing threats by the day. And no one will be able to stop this anger.” It also advised the regime to immediately make an announcement in this regard, so that everyone can rally and look into what must be done to salvage the country. This was said in a statement on Tuesday, following the joint office meeting of the Tomorrow’s Revolution Party that discussed the current situation in the country, which it said was the result of clear mismanagement. It added: “A group of small teenage amateurs took hold of the state’s positions, capabilities and potential.”… (Read More)
“Erbil denies Iran’s accusations of facilitating Saudi support to Iranian Kurdish opposition parties”  (Al-Quds al-Arabi, United Kingdom)
On November 9, the Qatari-owned Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following report from Erbil: “The Kurdistan government rejected the accusations made to the province by the advisor of Iranian Guide Ali Khamenei, of arming the Kurdish parties opposed to the Iranian regime. So, the Kurdistan Province’s Foreign Relations Chief Falah Mustafa responded to the Iranian official’s accusations by saying: “We are committed to the protection of our joint interests with the neighbouring states, and to the development of our relations with the neighbouring states. But we will not allow the undermining of the Kurdistan Province’s security and stability.” He continued in a statement: “I will let the Saudi consul respond to the accusations and statements made against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but regarding those related to the Kurdistan province, we reject them and confirm our commitment to the protection of the joint interests, especially with our neighbours…”… (Read More)
“What change awaits Lebanon following the American elections?”  (Newspaper, Middle East)
On November 9, the privately-owned Al-Joumhouria newspaper carried the following opinion piece by As’ad Bechara: “… Lebanon is awaiting the US election results after a long absence from the American interests’ board, except when it came to its security and monetary stability. Indeed, like the other superpowers, Washington watched from afar the constitutional vacuum in the presidency for two and half years, without undertaking any initiative, apart from the one undertaken by France with Iran, though it failed to ensure the election of a president. So, the US was completely absent from the scene, while the image of US Envoy Richard Murphy, who visited Syrian President Hafiz al-Assad in 1988 while carrying an initiative to elect a president of the republic, appeared to be one from our distant imagination… (Read More)
“The Lebanese settlement is part of the international deal”  (Website, Middle East)
On November 9, the electronic Al-Modon daily carried the following piece by Munir al-Rabih: “According to a number of political givens, the Lebanese political achievement was not a solo one although it was the first ray of light in the tunnel that the region is going through. Since the fires erupted in the region and with Lebanon being “shielded” against them, the international efforts focused on the need to preserve stability and the institutions. This was a basic need for everyone as Lebanon needed to serve as an arena of communication rather than competition between the axes knowing that the country had previously served as an arena for settling scores. The positive atmospheres necessary for completing the presidential elections became available following a two-year long delay. So what changed?… (Read More)
“Lebanese Forces and FPM: Sky is the limit for our alliance…”  (As-Safir, Lebanon)
On November 9, the independent, leftist As-Safir daily newspaper carried the following report by Elie Ferezli: “The understanding between the Lebanese Forces and the Aounists is proving that it is stronger than many would have thought. Since the “declaration of intents,” the relationship between the two sides has been constantly evolving. Anyone who once betted on the fragile nature of this relationship has now realized that it is in fact quite strong. It is sufficient to consider Samir Geagea’s backing up of Gen. Michel Aoun for president to understand how strong this relationship is… But the bet is still on: When will the two sides grow apart? The answer is rapidly provided by the man who coordinated this relationship on the Lebanese Forces’ side, Melhem Riachi: Sky is the limit for our understandings… (Read More)
Middle East
“Libyan Deputy Saleh Efhima to Az-Zaman: Willing to supply Egypt with oil”  (Az-Zaman, Iraq)
On November 7, the independent Az-Zaman newspaper carried the following report: “A source at the Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation revealed to Az-Zaman that an Egyptian delegation will soon head to Libya to inspect the security measures at Libya’s airports, in preparation for the resumption of air travel between the two countries. At the same time, Member of the Libyan House of Representatives Saleh Efhima assured that Libya was willing to supply Egypt with its oil needs, as it will not allow its economic collapse just like Egypt will not tolerate a military collapse in Libya. He also revealed that Libya will resume the exportation of oil in full force in December. Regarding the political and military situation, Efhima said that the Ghawil-Thani agreement might produce a national unity government… (Read More)
“Tunisia: A fragile reality…”  (Al-Akhbar Lebanon, Lebanon)
On November 9, the Al-Akhbar daily newspaper carried the following report by Moaz al-Bey: “…For a while now, there have been repeated warnings by politicians in the opposition and the pro-regime on the possibility of igniting the situation in Tunisia as well as the possibility of seeing a large wave of protests, one that will “devour everything.” The fears of these politicians are not unfounded but rather based on objective givens and signs. Indeed, the reasons that pushed the Tunisian people to the “revolution” in 2010 are still there and are even escalating… (Read More)
“Turkish relations with Europe growing more complicated…”  (Website, Middle East)
On November 8, the electronic Rai al-Youm daily newspaper carried the following editorial: “It is perhaps easy for us today to tell who Turkey’s enemies are. However, it is not easy to try and spot its friends as they are rapidly shrinking and changing their stands towards Turkey while the official Turkish positions have also been rapidly changing in the past five years… (Read More)
“On Turkey’s tools, as well as restrictions, to become engaged in the Reqqa battle”  (As-Safir, Lebanon)
On November 9, the independent, leftist As-Safir daily newspaper carried the following report by Abdullah Suleiman Ali: “The Euphrates Wrath forces proceeded with their progress at the northern suburbs of Reqqa thus nearing the strategic town of Tal al-Samn for two additional kilometers. Meanwhile, mystery surrounding the battle of Reqqa liberation and the parties who will be involved in it has increased amidst a clear Turkish action on the different combat fronts including the city of Al-Bab, Reqqa, and Manbij. So does Turkey possess the necessary tools to step into the battle of Reqqa or is it being firm there in order to obtain gains in another file?… (Read More)
United States
“Fateful elections”  (Al-Mustaqbal, Lebanon)
On November 9, the pro-Future movement Al-Mustaqbal daily newspaper carried the following piece by Ali Noun: “Never had the U.S. Presidential elections been so directly linked to the Arab issues as they are today. The pinnacle of these issues today consists of the Syrian calamity considering this is the largest and most dangerous calamity since 1948 and also because its global nature is clearer than all other issues thanks to the Russian and Iranian “presence” [in Syria]… (Read More)
“It does not matter who the American president will be!”  (Al-Quds al-Arabi, United Kingdom)
On November 9, the Qatari-owned Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following opinion piece by Mohammad Krishan: “… Professor Ibrahim Abu al-Laghad left his hometown Jaffa to the United States following the 1948 Nakba, while he was not yet 20 years old. He lived there most of his life and earned the American nationality. He worked as a political sciences professor in America’s universities, and acquired a prominent position among the US academic and political elite, while enjoying a special friendship with his fellow migrant, the great thinker Edward Said… 44 years later, Abu al-Laghad decided to return to Ramallah and settle down in it until his death in 2001, knowing he was opposed to the 1993 Oslo Accord between the PLO and Israel, which pushed him at the time to resign from the National Council along with Edward Said… (Read More)
“Yemen: Escalation of dispute… thwarts attempt to form government in Sanaa”  (Al-Quds al-Arabi, United Kingdom)
On November 9, the Qatari-owned Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following report by its correspondent in Sanaa Khaled al-Hammadi: “Houthi and Congress Party sources revealed that the dispute between the two allies involved in the coup in Sanaa, i.e. the Houthi group and the followers of former President Ali Saleh, had escalated to the point of becoming public for the first time, and was apparently the reason behind their failure to form an insurrectionist government that includes both sides. Hence, many Congress and Houthi leaders issued mutual accusations yesterday, in an undiplomatic language and in a way that reveals the collapse of the relationship between them… Indeed, prominent member in the General People’s Congress Party (Saleh’s wing) Yasser al-Yamani said: “The Houthis have prepared death lists and squads in accordance with an Iranian plan.”… (Read More)
Co-Founder: Nicholas Noe
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