El-Watan        Asharq Al-Awsat        As-Safir        Al-Fourat        Al-Quds Al-Arabi        Al-Itihad        Al-Ahram        An-Nahar        Ad-Doustour        El-Khabar    

While there is a broad range of Arabic language media outlets reporting stories from and about the Middle East, there is currently no affordable and reliable means for English speakers to gain access to this content. As a result, many English speaking businesspersons, students, journalists and others who have an interest in the affairs of the region are largely unaware of what the Middle East media is covering and how they are covering these stories.

Mideastwire.com aims to close this gap by offering a daily menu of translations covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing in the media of the 22 Arab countries and the Arab Diaspora. Through this effort, we hope to address at least one aspect of a global disconnect that continues to threaten a wide spectrum of socio-political and economic relationships, both here in the region and beyond.

It is also important to note that, since our founding in 2005, Mideastwire.com is wholly funded by the content license fees paid by individuals and organizations. As such, there is no government, commercial or non-profit support, an aspect that we believe provides a relatively independent platform for better understanding.

Our Corrections Policy: We adhere to an honest and open corrections policy. Please email info@mideastwire.com if you notice any typo or if you disagree with our translation choices. Since we do not produce our own content, we only will consider corrections that highlight typos or dispute our translations, not the veracity or accuracy of the original content. Accepted corrections are applied directly to the relevant translations as soon as they are approved by the editor and our database is updated accordingly for all subscribers.

“Kushner suggests that Cairo works on convincing Abbas to attend Camp David summit”  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Arab Diplomacy - Peace Process
On August 2, the London-based Al-Arab daily carried the following report: “The Egyptian President Abdul Fattah es-Sisi insisted, on Thursday, that his country supports all efforts aimed at reaching a fair and comprehensive settlement for the Palestinian cause based on the two-state solution and the international resolutions. As he received the Senior Advisor to the US president, Jared Kushner, and the accompanying delegation in Cairo, he insisted on the need to enhance the efforts at reviving the peace process in the region between the Palestinian and Israeli sides and to establish a Palestinian state with its capital being East Jerusalem, which would serve to restore stability and to open new horizons in the region… (Read More)
“What does Hezbollah want from Akkar and the north?”  (Newspaper, Middle East)
On August 1, the Lebanese Al-Joumhouria daily carried the following piece by Sheikh Khaldoun Araymet: “Anyone who follows up on the situation in Akkar in specific, and Tripoli and the North in general will sense the actions and secret visits being carried out by some Hezbollah cadres to the area of Akkar and the north where the Party is proceeding with forming religious and municipal cells. Hezbollah is seizing the right opportunity to stir some individuals who wish to obtain some political or social post with the aim of cornering the political Authority of the Muslims in Lebanon and draining the supporters of the Future movement and its allies from within in a number of northern areas. It [i.e. Hezbollah] is benefiting from the ill economic and social situation and the chronic neglect that Akkar has been suffering from for decades. The Hezbollah officials are keen on implicitly cooperation with some adherents to the Free Patriotic Movement… (Read More)
“Junblatt rejects all the initiatives”  (Al-Akhbar Lebanon, Lebanon)   
Democracy and Party Politics
On August 2, the Al-Akhbar daily newspaper carried the following report: “...The last suggested initiative to deal with the Al-Basatin incident (on June 30) was the one presented during the meeting held at the Baabda palace between President Michel Aoun, MP Talal Arslan, and Minister Saleh Gharib, in the presence of Ministers Elias Bou Saab and Salim Jreissaty and Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim. At that meeting..., Arslan accepted the solution suggested by Aoun that consisted of conducting a reconciliation between Junblatt and him sponsored by the president of the republic and attended by the prime minister and the parliament. Then, the council of ministers is to be convened where all the concerned parties will attend with the aim of following up on the piled-up affairs, but without discussing the matter of referring the Al-Basatin incident to the Judicial Council… (Read More)
Middle East
“From Syria to the Gulf: expected transformations in a fiery region”  (Website, Middle East)
Military and Security - USA Europe
On August 2, the electronic Rai al-Youm daily newspaper carried the following piece by Kamal Khalaf: “On the 27th of last month, the Omani Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yusuf Bin Alawi, visited Iran where he presented an American-British vision based on the concomitant release of the two detained tankers in Iran and Gibraltar in addition to an offer from Washington based on a partial lifting of the American sanctions on Tehran in return of Iran accepting to participate in the negotiations. We believe that the Omani mediation is one of the most important indirect communication channels between Iran and the United States. The effect of this mediation will become apparent in the next few days since it is now being amended based on some ongoing communications… (Read More)
United Arab Emirates
“Anadolu reveals secrets of the UAE’s changing foreign politics”  (Website, Middle East)   
Arab Diplomacy - Military and Security - Peace Process
On August 1, the official Turkish news agency, Anadolu, carried the following report on its Arabic page: “Anadolu obtained pieces of information from a source close to well-informed Emirati parties regarding the reasons behind the present signs indicating that the UAE is modifying its foreign politics and seeking to improve its relations with Iran… (Read More)
“The Saudi era in the South...”  (Al-Akhbar Lebanon, Lebanon)   
Arab Diplomacy - Military and Security
On August 2, the Al-Akhbar daily newspaper carried the following report: “...Saudi Arabia is working hard to replace the UAE in Yemen. To this end, it is working on enhancing its presence in several areas of the country. However, its efforts in the south are slamming against the Southern Transitional Council, which was established by the UAE... According to analysts, the Kingdom is seeking to “file the Transitional Council’s nails” and to re-structure it in a way that matches its policies in light of its fears that the Council could respond to the diplomatic messages whispered by the Ansarullah leadership and aimed at launching communication and dialogue channels with the Council… (Read More)
Co-Founder: Nicholas Noe
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