El-Watan        Asharq Al-Awsat        As-Safir        Al-Fourat        Al-Quds Al-Arabi        Al-Itihad        Al-Ahram        An-Nahar        Ad-Doustour        El-Khabar    

While there is a broad range of Arabic language media outlets reporting stories from and about the Middle East, there is currently no affordable and reliable means for English speakers to gain access to this content. As a result, many English speaking businesspersons, students, journalists and others who have an interest in the affairs of the region are largely unaware of what the Middle East media is covering and how they are covering these stories.

Mideastwire.com aims to close this gap by offering a daily menu of translations covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing in the media of the 22 Arab countries and the Arab Diaspora. Through this effort, we hope to address at least one aspect of a global disconnect that continues to threaten a wide spectrum of socio-political and economic relationships, both here in the region and beyond.

It is also important to note that, since our founding in 2005, Mideastwire.com is wholly funded by the content license fees paid by individuals and organizations. As such, there is no government, commercial or non-profit support, an aspect that we believe provides a relatively independent platform for better understanding.

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“Algeria closely watching Tunisian developments, fears foreign interferences”  (Newspaper, Middle East)   
Arab Diplomacy - Democracy and Party Politics
On August 6, the Qatari-owned London-based Al-Araby al-Jadeed newspaper, which was founded by Azmi Bechara, carried the following report from Algiers by its correspondent Othman Lahyani: “Algeria is carefully watching the outcome of the political developments in Tunisia following the controversial decisions adopted by President Kais Saied on July 25, while despite the reassurances received by the Algerian presidency from Saied, the political fears are persisting…, especially in light of the regional interferences pushing Tunisia towards a clash and a confrontation between those supporting and those rejecting the July 25 decisions... Hence, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune made two consecutive phone calls to Saied within four days, while Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra made two consecutive visits to Tunisia during that same short period of time… (Read More)
“Raisi’s Iran and Iraq: Altering or maintaining “rules of engagement”?”  (Asharq al-Awsat, United Kingdom)
Military and Security
On August 6, the Saudi-owned London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper carried the following report from Baghdad: “Officially, a new leaf has been turned in the intertwined and intricate relationship between Iraq and Iran, amid an international crisis that could explode at any moment. Iran has thus turned the leaf of former President Hassan Rouhani, returning – with new President Ebrahim Raisi – to the stage that preceded the death of Commander of the Revolutionary Guard Qassem Soleimani, as per signs sent by Iran and other being circulated by the decision-makers in Iraq. And as usual, the Iraqi officials rushed to inquire about the schedule of the new president in the neighboring country, noting that during his meeting with Raisi in Tehran, Iraqi President Barham Saleh reiterated the keyword in foreign policy, by calling for understandings in regard to regional security, while insisting on the interests of all the sides in the region in a way that preserves Iraq’s sovereignty… (Read More)
“Will the pressure in Lebanon and Iran lead to war?”  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Military and Security
On August 6, the Lebanese Al-Binaa newspaper carried the following opinion piece by General Dr. Amin Muhammad Hoteit: “Clearly, the region is forcibly being pushed – at the hands of the failed alliance of aggression in the face of the resistance axis – towards an explosion that is wanted by the aggression axis to conceal its failure, while preventing the steadfast, who are defending themselves and their rights, from capitalizing on their accomplishments and their victories. And it seems that Iran and Lebanon are the main focus of America and its followers at this level, after doing what they did in Syria and Iraq to the point of depleting their bank of targets, though to no avail. By analyzing the reality of the confrontation on the Iranian and Lebanese scenes, it appears that America, its minions, and its partners in the aggression, are acting as though they have reached the end of the line, and must do something to compensate for their failures, even if partially… (Read More)
"The Khaldeh plot was meticulously planned"  (Ad-Diyyar, Lebanon)
Military and Security - Unrest
On August 4, the Ad-Diyyar daily newspaper carried the following report: "The security tension that occurred last Sunday was not unexpected since all signs had indicated the possibility of a security event that shall steal the limelight away from the August 4 commemoration not to mention the signs indicating that the country is about to step into a dangerous security phase in light of the economic collapse… In this context, the Khaldeh incident had dimensions that are quite far from a mere act of vengeance on the part of the Arab tribes… (Read More)
“August 4, a new failure for the [popular] action groups…”  (Website, Middle East)   
On August 6, the Lebanese privately-owned En-Nashra news website carried the following exclusive report by its correspondent Muhammad Alloush: “… August 4 was expected to feature major developments on the street. But according to knowledgeable security sources, it went by normally, despite what the Lebanese saw in the media outlets. However, this does not mean there was no plan that was not carried out. Indeed, the security sources first indicated through En-Nashra that there were many pieces of information leaked on social media on August 3 about the alleged activities of August 4, which were not accurate. Still, there were activities that were planned and did not succeed, including the actions towards the politicians’ homes. The sources continued that the participants in August 4 from among the [popular] action groups and the parties caused each other to fail… (Read More)
"Prominent French source: Nasrallah lied to the Lebanese people…"  (Website, Middle East)
USA Europe
On August 5, the Beirut Observer news website carried the following report: "A prominent French source revealed to the Beirut Observer that the Hezbollah Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, was actually lying to the Lebanese people when he gave his speech following the Beirut Port blast on August 4, 2020, and where he said that Hezbollah has nothing to do with this explosion. The source added that the investigations and work of several intelligence services intersect with the pieces of information obtained by the French security services to confirm the fact that Hezbollah is in full control of the Beirut Port and Beirut Airport administrations and that the Party has enough agents and staffers to cover all the operations of the transfer of weapons and illegal substances and storing them in the port, airport, and areas close to the two… (Read More)
Middle East
"Tension on the southern borders…"  (Ad-Diyyar, Lebanon)   
USA Europe
On August 4, the Ad-Diyyar daily newspaper carried the following report: "The attack on the Mercer Street ship at the Gulf of Oman was not the first of its kind. The attack is similar to four other incidents that occurred in recent months in the area of the Indian Ocean, the last of which was a mysterious incident near the UAE's coast. Everyone knows that this was an Iranian reaction to the Israeli assaults on the land and in the sea including the operations within Iran and the attacks against the Iranian shops. For this reason, no one is surprised to see a rise in the level of tension on the southern borders since the Israeli threats to Iran have reached some high, unprecedented levels… (Read More)
“Signs pointing to failure of mediation efforts between Saudi Arabia, Hamas…”  (Al-Quds al-Arabi, United Kingdom)   
Arab Diplomacy - Peace Process
On August 5, the Qatari-owned Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following report from Gaza: “The facts on the ground indicate that the disputes between Hamas Movement and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia persist and that the recent interventions to resolve the crisis that erupted following the campaign of arrests launched by the Kingdom’s security bodies against Palestinian and Jordanian nationals, including Hamas’s former representative in Riyadh and a number of the movement’s supporters, did not produce any results. In the meantime, the Saudi authorities hastened the trials of dozens of Palestinians and Jordanians, who are standing before the criminal court on charges of supporting a “terrorist entity,” in reference to Hamas Movement. According to “Prisoners of Opinion” account on Twitter, which follows the files of the political detainees in the Kingdom in general, the Saudi authorities set an earlier date for the sentencing of the Palestinian and Jordanian detainees… (Read More)
“In which direction are the hands of the Tunisian clock turning?”  (Al-Quds al-Arabi, United Kingdom)
Democracy and Party Politics
On August 6, the Qatari-owned Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following lead editorial: “Tunisian and Arab media outlets aired an old interview by Tunisian President Kais Saied, which first came out on July 12, 2019, when he was running for president, saying he was “seeking to annul the parliamentary elections” and adopt another mechanism “to lead deputies into Parliament from the local councils through a draw,” while assuring he will fight the support of the associations (in reference to the civil society organizations), “which are being used to interfere in our affairs.” Also in that interview, Saied stated that his electoral program was based on a “political thought translated by a truly new constitution,” adding that the elections will be limited to the presidency and the local councils and that this vision could be implemented “to lift the homeland to the level of its aspirations… (Read More)
"En-Nahda turns against Ghannouchi"  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Democracy and Party Politics
On August 5, the Al-Arab daily newspaper carried the following piece by Mokhtar al-Dababi: "Rached Ghannouchi, the head of the En-Nahda Islamic movement will bear the responsibility of the last ten years of crises lived by Tunisia not only because of his political opponents who are demanding that he steps down, and not because of the protests that took place on July 25 and demanded to resolve the parliament but also because the calls for sacking Ghannouchi have reached all the way into the very home of the En-Nahda movement where there is a quasi-agreement on the need to sacrifice the movement's head in order to avoid a clash with President Kais Saied… (Read More)
"Dark propaganda questions Kais Saied's decisions…"  (Newspaper, Middle East)
Democracy and Party Politics - Media
On August 5, the London-based Al-Arab daily newspaper carried the following report: "The dark propaganda led by the En-Nahda movement has been questioning the decisions of Tunisian President, Kais Saied, following the failure of the coup story promoted by En-Nahda throughout the past days with the aim of inciting the local and international public by focusing on the sackings in order to make the man seem to be taking revenge against officials close to the movement… (Read More)
"The Turkish concern in Tunisia?"  (Website, Middle East)
Democracy and Party Politics
On August 5, the privately-owned Asas Media Lebanese website carried the following piece by Dr. Samir Salha: "The political decisions made by Tunisian President Kais Saied on July 25, caused a state of tension and concern among the leaders of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey. These leaders were the first, in the region and the world, to criticize these decisions and to hold President Saied responsible for pulling the country into more tension… However, surprisingly, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan abstained from commenting and chose to remain silent and wait until the local and regional positions clear up… (Read More)
Co-Founder: Nicholas Noe
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